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To use the file share:

  1. Login on the left side of this page.  (The login box will disappear when successful).
  2. Open File Manager (opens in new window)
    1. To open a file, select the correct folder/directory from the navigation tree in the left window, then double click on the desired file in the file window on the right.
    2. To upload new files, click the "Upload" button, then the "Add Files" button.  A dialog box will open allowing you to select the files you wish to upload.  After selecting your files, click the "Open" button.  Your files will now appear in the queue window; additional files may be added if desired.  Once all files have been added to the queue window, click the "Upload Files" button to upload them to the share site.  A progress bar will be displayed during the upload and a success message will display upon completion.  The queue window can now be closed.

      Note:  If an uploaded file has the same name as an existing file, a number will be appended to the end to ensure uniqueness.

    3. To delete files, select the files in the view window, then click the "Delete" button.  A confirmation dialog box will be displayed.  After confirmation, the files will be deleted, and a success message will be displayed.
    4. To rename a file, select the file in the view window, then click the "Rename" button.  A dialog box will prompt for a new name.  Enter the new name, then click "Rename".  A success message will be displayed upon completion.

      Please note this dialog box also allows for the accidental changing of a file's extension.

    5. To create a new folder/directory, select the desired parent folder/directory from the tree in the left window if it is not the current folder/directory.  Click the "Directory" button, enter the desired name for the subfolder, then click the "Add" button.  The new folder/directory will appear in the tree, a success message will be displayed, and the dialog box may be closed.
    6. To remove a folder/directory, select the parent folder from the tree in the left window if it is not the current folder/directory.  Click the "Directory" button, select the folder/directory you wish to remove from the dropdown arrow next to the text box, then click the "Remove" button.  A confirmation dialog box will be displayed.  After confirmation, the folder will be deleted and a success message displayed.  The directory dialog box can now be closed.
  3. Logout